Since January 1, 2022, French& Germany have made it mandatory that all products sold to French& Germany must comply with the new packaging law. It means that all packaging must carry the Triman logo and recycling instructions in order to make it easier for consumers to understand how waste is sorted. Products and packaging bearing the Triman logo are collected in separate waste bins. Without the Triman logo, the product will be treated as usual.
What should I do with unlabeled packaging?
For now, the Triman logo is in a period of a transition:
The Triman sign will be launched officially on January 1, 2022;
The transition period from the old logo to the new Triman logo ends in September 2022;
In September 2023, the transitional period of the old logo products will end, and all packaging in France will have to carry the new logo.
How is the Triman logo printed?
1, The component of Triman logo law
To be precise, French& Germany Triman logo =Triman logo + recycling description. Due to the different products of French& Germany EPR, the recycling instructions are not quite the same, so the recycling instructions are made again
Here's a detailed split. French& Germany packaging law Triman logo is divided into four parts:

Triman logo Part 1: Triman Logo
Triman logo printing size, compact format with height not less than 6mm, standard format with height not less than 10mm. The seller can zoom in or out according to the official vector drawing.
Triman Logo Part 2: FR for French code & De for Germany Code
If the product is not only sold in French& Germany, FR and De must be added to indicate that it applies in French& Germany, distinguishing recycling requirements in other countries.
Triman Labeling Part 3: Marking recyclable parts of packaging
• The recyclable part of the packaging can be presented in four ways:
• ① Texte + picto text + icon ② Texte seul text
• ③ Picto seul pure icon ④ explain
For example, if the package is a bottle, it can be expressed in the form of BOUTEILLE+ bottle pattern/French BOUTEILLE/ bottle pattern.

If the package consists of more than one part, the elements and their respective classification should be shown separately.
For example, if the package contains cartons and tubes, the recycling information on the package should be as shown in the following figure

Note that for packages of 3 or more materials, the seller can specify "Emballages" alone.

Triman Logo Part 4: Specifying Which color trash to Throw in
Throw it in the yellow trash bin -- all non-glass packaging;
Throw into the green trash bin - glass material packaging.
Trash bin can be presented in two ways:
①Picto seul pure icon
② Texte + picto text + icon

2. You can add some notice on recycling signs
① Encouraging slogan:Tell consumers the convenience that classifying all packaging.
② Additional statement: Can emphasize the importance of recycling various types of packaging. The statement below the logo box reinforces the importance of recycling (e.g., separate items before sorting). In addition, consumers are encouraged not to reject certain packages (e.g. leave the cap on the bottle)

3. Printing form of recycling logo
- Ø size
(1) Standard type: It is preferred for usage when the space on the packaging enough, and the overall size is determined by the Triman logo ≥10mm.
(2) Compact: using when space is limited, according to the Triman logo of 6mm or more Determine the overall size.
- Ø show
① level
② vertical
① Module (suitable for packaging in a variety of recycling ways)
Note: All three printing forms take priority to the standard recycling logo
4. examples for different styles of packaging recycling logo
There are three different packaging styles according to the printing form,
• level - vertical - module
5. How to choose color printing of recycling logo?
① The Triman logo must be displayed on a distinct background to make it visible, easy to read, clearly understood and inerasable.
② Colors should be printed in Pantone® Pantone colors. When tone printing is not available directly, CMYK printing (four-color printing process) should be chosen. RGB colors are used for screen use (web pages, videos, applications
Using programs, office automation, etc.).
③ When color printing technology is not available, the seller can choose black and white printing.
④ The logo printing must coordinate with the background.

6. The specific printing position of the recycling sign
① Packing area >20cm²
If a product has multi-layer packaging and the outermost packaging area is greater than 20cm², the seller needs to print the Triman logo and recycling instructions on the outermost and largest packaging.
② 10cm²<= Packing area <=20cm²
Only the Triman logo should be printed on the packaging, and the Triman logo and recycling instructions should be displayed on the sales website.
③Packing area <10cm²
Nothing is displayed on the packaging, but the Triman logo and recycling instructions are displayed on the sales website.
Post time: Nov-01-2022